Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Crash and Burn or dig out of the ditch

I was listening to a radio station today and the host began to foretell the fall of America that he felt would occur within the next ten years. Well, he is not the only one.

BUT.... this is a prime example, and indication of the apathetic attitude that prevails in some, indeed too many.

If this was said by anyone just 5 years ago they would have caused an outrage and been accused of some terrorist act. But today, not a peep. Does this mean that we all believe it?

Well get off your goddamn ass!!! or it will be the end of us.

Are you waiting for the government to bail us out? The cure of the day? Well sucker, it's a dream. Just look at how the bailout money was spent. duuhhhh wait,...Can't find it? Well that's because no one knows sucker! $350 Billion of our money and the people who gave it away don't know where it went, or they aren't saying. Hey, if I wanted my banker to fund my beach house I wouldn't push them too hard either. Do you actually think the doling out of $350 Billion didn't involve back room deals? We have just experienced the biggest shell game since creation or the big bang, what ever side your on.

This country was built on it's people, working together, you and me. If you are laid off, you have two choices sit there with your six pack texting your friends or get out and do something. Start a business, help a neighbor, run for local office, write a letter to congress, find a new skill and start putting bread on the table again. Go to the local farm and ask to help. (Farms usually have food)

It is time to stand up as a country, unite, dig ourselves out of the ditch, not wait for our government, or the Chinese, to bail us out of this problem. We would have never had success in WWII (and no I was not there) with the submissive, jump into the ditch and hide attitude many of us have. If we don't start yelling, they will do what ever they want and view out at us from behind their towering fences surrounding their beach front properties as we fight for the scraps that are left over.

1 comment:

tipster said...

Interesting....Wrote this almost a year ago. Some progress, the Billions turned into Trillions, more focus on problems with big government, that got even bigger, big media and yes big business. But that is coupled with fantastic new small businesses popping up, are you supporting them?, and more people standing up, or at least getting an opinion, (having an opinion is the first step out of apathy), than ever before. I unfortunately also see a lot of people who don't seem to like each other very much. You can see them when you drive, ya, the one that just cut you off to get one car ahead, that's them. Many more stressed out bone heads ready to throw you to the wolves for the last scrap in the frenzy to survive.

We still need to maintain focus on this great country, of which we are all apart. We all share in its fate. We need to remember what has made it We must also face the realities of what degrades Your choice!